COVID-19 in Bocas del Toro, Panama

A drone view of the empty streets of Bocas del Toro during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The purpose of this article is to provide important information and resources regarding the status of COVID-19 in Bocas del Toro, Panama. For up to date statistical information about the number of cases, number of deaths, or number of recoveries, please refer to the Ministry of Health of Panama website. The US Embassy of Panama website also maintains a detailed and updated page about Covid-19 in Panama, in English.

Current Important Information about COVID-19 in Panama

The outbreak of COVID-19 in Bocas del Toro (and Panama) is active and residents and visitors need to be vigilant in fighting its spread.

Please read these key points about the current COVID-19 situation in Panama:

  • Panama is open for international travel as of October 12, 2020.
  • Current Entry Requirements for Panama: Negative PCR Test or Antigen Test within 48 hours of your arrival into Panama.
  • You can get tested for COVID-19 upon arrival into Panama for $50.
    • If the 48 hour time frame is too short to get your test done in your home country, you can get tested upon arrival to Panama with a Rapid Antigen Test. Results take about 15-30 minutes and there may be a lengthy wait in line before you can get tested. Please consider this time and plan your travel accordingly.
    • If your test results positive with COVID-19 upon arrival into Panama, you will be placed into a Hospital Hotel for a 7 day quarantine period. You will be tested again after 7 days, and, if negative, you may leave the hospital hotel. If still positive, you will continue with another 7 day quarantine period.
  • Masks are mandatory outside of your house. The masks need to cover your nose and mouth.
  • The beaches of Bocas del Toro are open to the public.
  • There are no total quarantine days. All days remain fully open except for the 11PM to 5AM curfew.
  • Breaking the rules of the Pandemic can result in a fine of $100-$1000 and/ or jail time. The amount of the fine and time in jail is decided by the local leaders and is not set in any governmental decree. (Therefore, it is possible that larger fines/ longer jail sentences may be administered.)

Please Read: The Safety Guidelines for your Next Trip to Panama

The Bocas Breeze: Follow the Bocas Breeze on Instagram, Facebook, and their website, to get the most up-to-date COVID-19 information regarding Bocas del Toro

Is Bocas del Toro open?

Yes, Bocas del Toro is open to tourists! Everything is pretty much back to normal, aside from mask-wearing.

But, please keep in mind that while it may seem that everything is normal and free in Bocas del Toro, there are many vulnerable local people in the islands. It is your responsibility to be mindful of the local population when visiting Bocas del Toro, so please follow the guidelines of MINSA, including mask-wearing and social distancing.

Does Bocas del Toro have COVID-19? 

Yes. There is an active outbreak of Covid-19 in Bocas del Toro.

Please follow the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health if you are to visit Bocas del Toro, including:

  • wearing a mask
  • social distancing

Does Panama have COVID-19?

The situation with COVID-19 across the country of Panama varies in degree of severity. The most populous areas of the country are seeing the most cases. Panama City is the epicenter of the outbreak. Rural areas of Panama appear to be experiencing less cases and slower spread of the virus. 

The Ministry of Health of Panama has provided an interactive, live updated map that maps cases of COVID-19 across Panama which you can see here.

Check out our post on Bocas del Toro Safety and Crime Here Or on Crime and Safety in Panama, Here

Bocas del Toro under COVID-19 Quarantine

The empty streets of Bocas Town under quarantine during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
El Parquecito under Quarantine, Isla Colon, via BTV

The financial effects of the quarantine due to COVID-19 have been devastating for Bocas where the local economy is largely based around tourism and construction. The majority of the population of Bocas del Toro is now without work or a means of earning money. 

The aid response from the central government is beginning to work its way through the country, but many critics say it is too little and too slow. 

Local NGO’s, volunteers, and new groups have formed throughout Bocas to meet the growing needs of the local communities. Donations are flowing through these organizations to buy food that is distributed throughout the islands. The local government has done an amazing job in sourcing donations and food while they await help from the central government. 

While many feared what would happen to Bocas when the money dried up, the situation on the ground, one month into quarantine, is much different. This small community of people from all over the world has stepped up in a huge way to help each other through this unprecedented and difficult time. We are working together to make sure that food stays on the tables of those in need. 

Some even thought to set up food dispensing stations for the street dogs on Isla Colon!

street dogs eating from food dispensers in bocas del toro isla colon during covid-19 quarantine
Food dispensers set up around Isla Colon provide much needed meals for the local dogs.

Want to Know More About Bocas del Toro?

Check out our Bocas del Toro Travel Guides below! There’s tons of travel guides about Bocas del Toro out there, but most are written by people who only visited the islands for a few days. Our guides are written from years of experience living full time in Bocas!

Browse the guides below or visit our blog homepage here.

3 thoughts on “COVID-19 in Bocas del Toro, Panama”

  1. Pingback: 7 Things You SHOULD NOT Do in Bocas del Toro (2021)

  2. thanks for the wonderfull info in all of this guide you guys made it’s really helpful.
    regarding covid how much of this info is still relevant? is there still curfew from 11PM to 5AM? do i need to show antigen or PCR test in the airport even though im vaccinated?

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