Panama Safety

This is the Archive Page for the Category, “Panama Safety,” of The Bocas del Toro Travel Blog.

We have written several articles about Safety in Panama to help guide travelers towards a better, safer Panama experience.

Panama is a safe country to visit. We have lived in Panama since 2015 and have only experienced minor instances of theft in our time here. We feel much safer in Panama City than in major cities in the USA, and we feel especially safe in rural Bocas del Toro.

We want people to understand that there are things that every traveller can do to enhance their safety while in Panama. We have included a list of travel safety tips for both Bocas del Toro, and Panama as a whole. You can find additional information regarding COVID-19 in Bocas del Toro as well.

Bocas del Toro with Empty Streets during Quarantine Covid-19

COVID-19 in Bocas del Toro, Panama

The purpose of this article is to provide important information and resources regarding the status of COVID-19 in Bocas del Toro, Panama. For up to date statistical information about the number of cases, number of deaths, or number of recoveries, please refer to the Ministry of Health of Panama website. The US Embassy of Panama

COVID-19 in Bocas del Toro, Panama Read More »

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